Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The paper work...

is in our hands, now we commit it unto Him b/c we need His wisdom. We will prayerfully take steps to complete the needed paper work, earn/save for the very expensive 1st home visit & application fees & just walk this new journey one "widduhl" (mr. brooks language) step at a time.

Eternal perspective(s). This is my deep spot today.

Monday, June 30, 2008

why elizabeth

because she is the most beautiful, strong, God fearing woman i have ever known
she was my dad's Mama
a survivor of many generational hardships
a mother to the motherless
a fighter to the end
a caretaker to the homeless

she was more than all of that

she was
a fire ball
full of life
an amazing down home southern cook
she was


one of 11 kids
right in the middle
tragically lost 3 brothers & her own father at an early age
1942, sent her husband off to war
labored for her country; her family
known as "Libby" back in the day
birthed 4 kids
mothered like no other


had to be


God never left her!

why Elizabeth

her strength taught me
to never lose hope
to fight till the end
to believe in more than this world offers
to trust in Jesus
to give more than receive

i saw her take her last breaths
she sewed with delicate hands while she was dying
up, down, in between, smooth, rhythmic motions

how do i parent a little girl, God, how?

like her
like Elizabeth did to so many
that's how


that's why